those commercials for Cortislim. Cortislim was developed by a doctor, and they
talked about how you can lose all that apple fat caused by high levels of
cortisol produced in the body because of stress. I saw this commercial all over
the place and had two friends who tried it and lost weight, so I decided to try
it. The stuff was really expensive at almost $50/bottle. It gets cheaper if you
buy multiple bottles, but I always tend to the conservative side when it comes
to “drugs” so I thought I’d try one bottle, and see what happened. I lost about
3 pounds using that first bottle, so I bought the package of 3 the second time
around with great hope and exhilaration that this time, my gut would finally
After 4 bottles of Cortislim, I lost 5 pounds, and I think most of that
was due to the fact that I upped my exercise routines from 4x a week to 5x a
week. Every week, I was waiting for the apple fat to melt away from my waist so
that I could jump back into my skinny jeans. But alas, to no avail, I did not.
It was damn frustrating. On those frustrating days, I dream again about just
getting liposuction, and sucking the fat away. It seems like such a faster
solution. But, so far, I stick to trying to do things naturally. I’m even
trying to see if I can just come to peace with that 10 pound roll around my mid-section….Naaawwww!