I admit it. I'll scream it out loud. "I am a celebrity gossip junkie." You can name any celebrity and I can give you some of the latest dish on them. I know it’s like eating junk food that has absolutely no nutritional food value, but I partake anyway because it fills some craving. The fascinating thing about the lives of the rich and famous is that these people are actually living the life that most of us dream of. We don’t get to own private jets or walk down the red carpet, but we can live vicariously through them. Besides, it’s also part of being immersed in the dream of being back in the skinny jeans.
Once you get back into the skinny jeans, life will be glamorous, exciting, and magical like the movies, or at least a primetime TV show. Come on admit it out loud, or at least out loud in the privacy of your bathroom mirror. You have thought that if you got into your skinny jeans, your life would take on some magical tone to it, perhaps that where being on TV doesn’t seem like a shot from left field. This is why reality TV shows have become so popular. If you can get into your skinny jeans, you actually could have a shot at being an Apprentice, Survivor, or Bachlorette. Gorgeous men like George Clooney, okay maybe that’s a bit high, perhaps men like George Eads CSI Nick Stokes from Las Vegas seem within reach. You can walk into any dress shop and the same things that Heidi, Giselle, and Tyra wear are also within your possession. How about going to the hotel bar of a swanky hotel you know celebrities hang out at? This time you would actually go and hob nob, or at the very least just stand in the room, and absorb the fact that you know you look like you belong there. Hmmm…I get tingles when I think about that feeling of acceptance.