There's nothing like a spicy Latina to get the waves moving. Salma Hayek, a very curvy and frank, actress known for her alluring roles in movies like From Dusk Til Dawn with gorgeous George Clooney, Desperado with yummy Antonio Banderas, and Breaking Up with hunky Russell Crowe insists that extreme dieting makes women "bitches" (from the blog I Don't Like You In That Way.) Said Salma,
"I find it very boring to have to be skinny all the time. It bores me and makes me bitchy. And yet in Hollywood it's okay if you're a bitch - as long as you're skinny! "A lot of these girls who spend so much time trying to be skinny - everyone is complaining about them. They don't make people feel good about themselves."
Salma contends that she will not starve herself for a role or to be popular. Yeah!! I am so happy to hear straight from the lips of an A-List star that dieting until you are a stick figure is not only unhealthy but boring. I agree with her that strict dieting makes women bitches. You get bitchy because you are just plain annoyed from being hungry all the time. Then you get on this competitive thing to be skinnier than anyone around you. If you are so consumed by these two things, how in the world can you be a joy to be around. I know for myself, when I don't eat for a long period of time, I feel my blood sugar drop, and then the witchy-bitchy feelings start to set in. Matt and I have a great understanding. When I feel the bitchiness from lack of food setting in, I warn him, and tell him that I need to eat something pronto. If not, watch out, the bitch claws will start striking.