I think that for a hipster in her late 30's it is really cool that I can still fit into Junior sizes. Granted I'm on the far end of the scale at 11/13 but if I wanted to shop at Forever 21 or Wet Seal, I could. Of course I would look like creepy old lady still trying to desperately cling on to youth, but dangnabit, I can still get my ass into a pair of pre-adult pants. 6 months ago, I bought a pair of Levis 504 Slouch jeans in a Junior size 13. The jeans are big on me, but I like the slouchy look and feel, and the fact that they do not look like Juniors clothing. I highly recommend the 504's for slouchy days.
I think many women, as they head into their 30's, get to a point where it starts to hit you that you really shouldn't shop in the Juniors section anymore, and that you need to move into the Women's section. What is scary about this, is that the Women's section is the same section your Mom shops in, and it is a challenge to accept the fact that you are now in the same category, body wise, as Mom. Mom images are supposed to be ones that happen to you waaay in the future. There is plenty of time to be in "kid" mode. But, alas, that day has arrived and you are now getting your invitation into the adult women's club, both a celebration and a death.
If I were a clothing designer, I would design a line of clothing that still has some of the hipness and flare of the Juniors style, in sizes that are designed for adult womanly figures. In some stores, there is a big difference style wise when you move from Juniors to Womens. It's almost like they are saying through the clothes that as soon as you hit a certain age, you won't be needing the trendy styles anymore. Subconsciously, the store is saying to you, getting older means you have to get serious and practical which means your clothes do to. I say poo-poo to that. My body may be more womanly, but my spirit is still young, and I want my clothes to reflect that.