In yesterday's post, I talked about going to the We Care Spa because I had heard that Matt Damon and Ben Affleck had gone there to detox their bodies. We Care has also been featured on E!, CNN, Entertainment Tonight, In Style mag, People, Vogue, USA Today, and the NY Times. Before I go on, let me clarify the distinction between detox, and rehab. Detox is a holisitic healing practice where you have treatments to detoxify your body of toxins, chemicals, fat, and whatever unhealthy substances reside in your body. Treatments can include special diets, massage, colonics, lymph drains, liver cleanse, parasite cleanse, body wraps, facials, and saunas. As well spiritual and emotional detox through breathe work, yoga, healing pyramids, meditation, and other metaphysical type modalities. It's more like a spa experience. Rehab, can include some of these detox treatements, but rehab centers are set up with health professionals and doctors to help people heal from serious addictions like to drugs, food, sex, gambling, and alcohol.
I went to the We Care Spa because I wanted to get rid of the toxins in my body, plus I wanted to get a taste of how the celebs lived. I had the money so I decided to splurge on myself. A while back, I had heard that Princess Diana had colonics as a way to help her with her weight. I was really into Princess Di when she was alive. I really identified with many of her issues. I think many women did because she allowed herself to be human to us commoners, and let us all know that just because yo uare rich and famous doesn't mean you are immuned from the same problems as the rest of us. But, let's leave Princess Di fo another time.
Back to colonics and We Care. I did the 8-day package, and in that time I lost 6 pounds most of which came from my colon. I remember a co-worker telling me long time ago that I was full of shit, and after seeing all the crap coming out of my body, I thought, "That guy was right. I am literally full of shit." Now when you get into the colonic room, they give you the option to look at the stuff coming out or not. Most people do not want to look at the crap, for good reason, but I am always curious, and I wanted to see what was living in my colon. I am so glad I optioned to look at the crap coming out because it scared the hell out of me. After seeing what eating junk food, processed food, and bad food combinations looks like after sitting in your body for years, you never want to put any of that stuff inside your mouth ever again. I also did not know that you coould have waste sitting in your colon for decades. The stuff that is the oldest is black and looks like soot from the fireplace. Sorry to be graphic, but, that is what can fester in your body. No wonder many people get illnesses in their colon. It can be a festering wasteland in their.
While at We Care, I did a great deal of massage, body wraps, facials, and other detox treatments. I cleaned out not only my colon, but my lymph system, liver, galbladder, and parasites. It turns out I didn't have any parasites living in my body, but I did it just in case because I had done alot of international travel in my old job. When I left We Care, I felt sooooooo clean and alive. In fact, I have never seen the whites of my eyes soooo white. My skin was so soft and supple which was a great surprise because normally my skin is pretty dry. I highly recommend the We Care Spa. It's pricey but it is worth it. Everyone who works at We Care is very nice and professional. The lady who did my colonics has been there a long time, and I don't remeber her name, but she was fabulous and had the best sense of humor. I mean she is a "Crap Cleaner", so being light hearted and funny helps. Check it out: We Care Spa in Desert Hot Springs, CA (next door to Palm Springs)