I am so out of shape, that I got the air knocked out of me in a walk race with a pair of blue hairs. The biggest damage really was to my ego. It was only 1-1/2 years ago that I could run 5 miles in 50 minutes. Now, because I have stopped exercising pretty much all together, I can't keep a brisk walking pace with grandpa and grandma. Geez for me, but way to go for the geezers. I sure enough got my whipper snapper ass kicked.
Mattie and I went walking yesterday in a public park area frequented by walkers, runners, families, and retired couples. The park is on the edge of the water, and has flat terrain combined with some good size hills. My quads and buttay got some work on the hills. It was one of those beautiful pre-Spring days where you want to be out with your sweetie doing something aerobic but not too strenuous, and then go get some pigs in a blanket afterwards.
There were lots of people out at that park yesterday of all ages, but I mostly noticed young families with kids, and seniors. Mattie and I were walking down this one trail that converged with another trail at the bottom of a hill. The newly conjoin path then took a trail up another hill. We got to the bottom of the hill just a little bit before the geezers, and so I figured that Matt and I could get some good traction ahead of the senior couple for the journey up the next hill. I ass-umed that because they were about 30 years older than us, there would be no way that these geriatrics could be practically breathing down our necks. Oh, I was sooooooooo wrong. I was hauling ass up this hill, and I could almost feel their breathe on the back of my neck. I kept thinking, "Geez, I am huffin' and puffin', and these too are chatting about the weather like they're having Sunday tea."
When we all got to the top of the hill, the path split into three other paths. Matt and I veered off to the far left path which was the beginning of yet another small hill. I thought the blue hairs would go off to one of the other paths because they were flat and going downhill. But oh no! My arrogant self still had not learned a lesson, and the grands decided to follow behind us up the next hill....Okay enough! I couldn't stand it anymore so I pulled off to the side, so the geezers could go by. I just had to catch my breath. Mattie was huffing and puffing too, so I didn't feel like a complete hoser. After we stopped heaving, we both looked at each other, and then looked at the older couple walking up the hill into the sun. Matt said, "Boy, I wanna be in that kind of shape when I get to be that age." I nodded in absolute agreement.