If you are really feeling down about your looks or weight, go visit the forums at Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty site. The forums cover 3 topics: Body image, Older Women, and Unconventional looks. Every time I read through the forums and hear what other women (and men, there are a few) have to say here, I feel so much better about myself because these people are so uplifting. All the fuglies just seem to disappear, and I am reminded that we all have unique beauty. Damn what Madison Avenue says!
There is an argument that says consumers don't really want to see "real" women in beauty ads because what the companies are really selling is a dream, a dream that if you use this product or service, you too can look like the dream woman, and have the dream life. The stick insect models fit into the image of the dream. Real women with their cellulite, acne pits, thunder thighs, and short statures are not dream images. If consumers wanted real and everyday, all they have to do is walk outside.
I say why can't we have some of both. I admit, that on occasion, I like to look at the supermodels in their couture clothes and glossy lipstick. But, I also would love to see other women who look like me or my girlfriends in the pages of the glam rags hawking products like the skinny chicks.