Yesterday, I got axed from my web 2.0 start-up job as Online Services Marketing Manager. Sacked. Fracked. Weed whacked. This is the first time in my life that I’ve been canned. Should I be blogging about this, probably not, but then again why not. It's blog therapy.
The drama queen in me wants to shout out that I got the boot because I got busted for blogging on MySpace about the bosses having Napolean complex, because I got busted on videocam for taking cases of Diet Coke from the fridge although they said I could help myself, or that they discovered the video of my Maui vacation debauchery on YouTube. Sorry, it was nothing as romantic as those things.
They changed priorities of the company, and they now need someone who is more technical and operational. Simply put, it was poor planning, and they hired the wrong skill sets needed at this stage of growth. Since it is a startup, money is tight so they can only carry what is imperative. I packed up my personal stuff and left. I didn’t get to say goodbye to the engineers, and I felt sad by that.
Yesterday, I understood the logic of everything. Today, the emotions are in charge, and my heart is crushed. I just want to suck down a bottle of Jack and light up a lucy (even though I don't smoke.) I just feel like I’ve gone through one of those break-ups where you’re told, “It’s not you. It’s me.” Then all your friends say the same thing, “It’s not you. It’s them.” I appreciate the sentiment, but let’s be real, no one wants to be dumped.
In the big scheme of things, I know that God kicked me out of there so that I could move toward a better opportunity. This job, although short, showed me that I know WAY more than I give myself credit for, and that it’s time to go live a bigger life. I hate to be cliché, but I’m going to do it anyway. One door has closed, and another has just opened.