This is for real folks, a 2007 calendar of hunky Morticians. This is no Photoshop prank. Who knew that those men who bury the dead worked out at the gym and look like a dream boat? The cause is for breast cancer.
This is for real folks, a 2007 calendar of hunky Morticians. This is no Photoshop prank. Who knew that those men who bury the dead worked out at the gym and look like a dream boat? The cause is for breast cancer.
This is for real folks, a 2007 calendar of hunky Morticians. This is no Photoshop prank. Who knew that those men who bury the dead worked out at the gym and look like a dream boat? The cause is for breast cancer.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Aug 01, 2006 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: best week ever, calendar, men of mortuaries, VH1
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