Get your TIVOs ready. Tomorrow, Feb. 1, Tyra Banks is going to talk about the "thinness mania" in the modeling industry. She will have on her show 4 models including one plus-sized model and one who weighs 88 lbs and still thinks she needs to lose weight. Also interviewed will be a young woman currently suffering from anorexia, and the mother of Ana Carolina Reston, the Brazilian model who died of anorexia.
In my opinion, the title of this show should have been called something like, "The Pressure to be thin, a model's view." Instead, it's called "Tyra Confronts Her Tabloid Photos" referring to, and obviously capitalizing on, all this hooplah about her weight gain, and the unflattering pictures of her in a bathing suit on vacation. Tyra will consequently wear the bathing suit in said pictures on the show, and then show us her own original untouched pictures.
I'm trying hard to like Tyra but why in this case does she have to put the emphasis on herself? I get that it's her show, but here is a bigger issue at hand with all the unrealistic beauty obsession, and she is just one of its, albeit famous, sufferers. Focus on the 1,000ft view Tyra, not the 10ft one.
I am very interested in hearing what Ana Carolina's mother has to say. My heart goes out to this mother who lost her daughter.
For the big Vista Launch, Bill Gates made an appearance on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. What I loved about this interview is that Jon is not computer savvy at all. He's simple like the most of us, so his questions were totally non-geeky, and hysterical. Everyone can relate to Jon. Hmmmm...What does the F12 button do?
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jan 30, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Bill Gates, Jon Stewart, Vista launch
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