Today, I was looking at my blog and I saw this ad running on the side bar in my Google Adsense area. I was completely horrified! The ad is for a diet plant, and the landing page says "How to be Anorexic." They say they do not advocate anorexia but if you read the ad closely, they do! Here's a snapshot of the offending ad.
The wording on this text ad is deceptive as well because I have no doubt that Oprah and The Today show are NOT supporting "Anorexic get skinny." They may have talked about the plant Hoodia, but absolutely not about this specific product.
So yeah, this one time I violated the Google rules which says that you cannot click on ads on your own blog. But, for crying out loud, I was alarmed to see this on my blog. This ad goes against everything I believe and talk about here.
First, I have to profusely apologize to everyone who has seen this ad, or any ones like it. Please tell me if you see anything offensive in the ads or inconsistent with my message. I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT support unhealthy diet plans, diet pills, diet concoctions or whatever that help people have eating disorders. I cannot believe that Google would even allow these kind of companies to advertise this way. It is absolutely irresponsible! I am pissed off to no UN-end.
I wrote to Google AdSense and told them about this situation and let them have my two cents. We will see what they say, but in the mean time, I just wanted to write this post to tell you all that I am trying to get this crap removed, and that by all means it DOES NOT represent in any shape or form what I believe or want to encourage.
What I am most appalled about is that Google would even allow any company or person to advertise products that blatantly help people have an eating disorder. I've been noticing that there are some Google text ads showing up that I do not care for. It's starting to bother me now. The only way to filter in Google AdSense is if you know the specific offending urls. When I catch offending ads, I put them in my filter, but I cannot possibly catch every single ad that may slip through that talks about diet pills, quick plastic surgery, or lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. It's a quandary, and I don't get why Google just won't let you filter blanket categories.
I have stayed with Google Adsense because I believe that it is a good program and that I have made some decent revenue to support this blog. All the other ads on my blog are affiliate marketing programs, and I do not make anything unless someone actually buys something. As of yet, I do not have any paid (directly to me) advertisers. I'm getting to a point though where I am considering dropping Google Ad Sense all together because I cannot have more control in the ad content. I want ads that are consistent with my message and values. That is very important to me.
Again, I apologize for the heinous ad, and I'm working on a solution here.
Update: Damn it! I am getting a bunch of lose weight qick ads from Google AdSense today. I am taking it all down for now until I get some kind of remedy.
Why I'm starting to not like Google AdSense
Today, I was looking at my blog and I saw this ad running on the side bar in my Google Adsense area. I was completely horrified! The ad is for a diet plant, and the landing page says "How to be Anorexic." They say they do not advocate anorexia but if you read the ad closely, they do! Here's a snapshot of the offending ad.
The wording on this text ad is deceptive as well because I have no doubt that Oprah and The Today show are NOT supporting "Anorexic get skinny." They may have talked about the plant Hoodia, but absolutely not about this specific product.
So yeah, this one time I violated the Google rules which says that you cannot click on ads on your own blog. But, for crying out loud, I was alarmed to see this on my blog. This ad goes against everything I believe and talk about here.
First, I have to profusely apologize to everyone who has seen this ad, or any ones like it. Please tell me if you see anything offensive in the ads or inconsistent with my message. I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT support unhealthy diet plans, diet pills, diet concoctions or whatever that help people have eating disorders. I cannot believe that Google would even allow these kind of companies to advertise this way. It is absolutely irresponsible! I am pissed off to no UN-end.
I wrote to Google AdSense and told them about this situation and let them have my two cents. We will see what they say, but in the mean time, I just wanted to write this post to tell you all that I am trying to get this crap removed, and that by all means it DOES NOT represent in any shape or form what I believe or want to encourage.
What I am most appalled about is that Google would even allow any company or person to advertise products that blatantly help people have an eating disorder. I've been noticing that there are some Google text ads showing up that I do not care for. It's starting to bother me now. The only way to filter in Google AdSense is if you know the specific offending urls. When I catch offending ads, I put them in my filter, but I cannot possibly catch every single ad that may slip through that talks about diet pills, quick plastic surgery, or lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. It's a quandary, and I don't get why Google just won't let you filter blanket categories.
I have stayed with Google Adsense because I believe that it is a good program and that I have made some decent revenue to support this blog. All the other ads on my blog are affiliate marketing programs, and I do not make anything unless someone actually buys something. As of yet, I do not have any paid (directly to me) advertisers. I'm getting to a point though where I am considering dropping Google Ad Sense all together because I cannot have more control in the ad content. I want ads that are consistent with my message and values. That is very important to me.
Again, I apologize for the heinous ad, and I'm working on a solution here.
Update: Damn it! I am getting a bunch of lose weight qick ads from Google AdSense today. I am taking it all down for now until I get some kind of remedy.
So yeah, this one time I violated the Google rules which says that you cannot click on ads on your own blog. But, for crying out loud, I was alarmed to see this on my blog. This ad goes against everything I believe and talk about here.
First, I have to profusely apologize to everyone who has seen this ad, or any ones like it. Please tell me if you see anything offensive in the ads or inconsistent with my message. I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT support unhealthy diet plans, diet pills, diet concoctions or whatever that help people have eating disorders. I cannot believe that Google would even allow these kind of companies to advertise this way. It is absolutely irresponsible! I am pissed off to no UN-end.
I wrote to Google AdSense and told them about this situation and let them have my two cents. We will see what they say, but in the mean time, I just wanted to write this post to tell you all that I am trying to get this crap removed, and that by all means it DOES NOT represent in any shape or form what I believe or want to encourage.
What I am most appalled about is that Google would even allow any company or person to advertise products that blatantly help people have an eating disorder. I've been noticing that there are some Google text ads showing up that I do not care for. It's starting to bother me now. The only way to filter in Google AdSense is if you know the specific offending urls. When I catch offending ads, I put them in my filter, but I cannot possibly catch every single ad that may slip through that talks about diet pills, quick plastic surgery, or lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. It's a quandary, and I don't get why Google just won't let you filter blanket categories.
I have stayed with Google Adsense because I believe that it is a good program and that I have made some decent revenue to support this blog. All the other ads on my blog are affiliate marketing programs, and I do not make anything unless someone actually buys something. As of yet, I do not have any paid (directly to me) advertisers. I'm getting to a point though where I am considering dropping Google Ad Sense all together because I cannot have more control in the ad content. I want ads that are consistent with my message and values. That is very important to me.
Again, I apologize for the heinous ad, and I'm working on a solution here.
Update: Damn it! I am getting a bunch of lose weight qick ads from Google AdSense today. I am taking it all down for now until I get some kind of remedy.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jan 26, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: Google AdSense
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