The entertaining part of the Oscars of course is the red carpet part where you get to see all the fabulous outfits and bling. The awards show itself is like anti-climax. Ellen DeGeneres did okay, and this year I did stick it out. After six hours of Oscar watching, here's my treasured moments:
- Finally! The most diverse Oscars ever: ethnicities, ages, orientation, and sizes
- Really stunning post break-up: Reese Witherspoon and Cameron Diaz
- Blown away by what you can do with voice: The Hollywood Film Corral Sound Effects Choir
- Proud of her non-comforming to stick figureness:
- "People said in the beginning of my career that I would only play fat girls and I'm here proving them wrong." - Kate Winslet
- "I'm nominated in 14 areas and I wear a size 14." - Meryl Streep
- Interpretive dance done right: The shadow people: The Pilobolus Dance Troupe
- Does bald better than Britney: Jack Nicholson
- The (C)(K)ates rock:I wish we had more role models like Cate Blanchett and Kate Winslet
- Diane Keaton makes 61 look hot! Thanks for giving the turtlenecks the day off.
- Stars starstruck by stars: Leo on Al Gore. I t hought Leo was going to start bowing, "I'm not worthy."
- Best acceptance speech: Forrest Whitacker for Best Actor. He knows The Secret.
- Best ad-lib of the night: Meryl Streep doing Miranda Priestly while Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt present Best Costume Design
- Cute commercials: Tie between the iPhone "Hello" and Those M&M's were adorable.