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Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 30, 2007 | Permalink
So bits of the pre-production Grey's Anatomy spin-off with Addison have been let out of the bag. The special 2-hour Addison gets-the-hell-out of Seattle episode will air in May. She's dunzo with McSteamy, and her former hubby McDreamy is now happily conjoined with intern Meredith. So, what's a brilliant doctor girl who just wants love and adoration from a well
hung rounded man to do?
She flies to Santa Monica, California for a get-away to see a couple of her old medical school classmates, Naomi (Merrin Dungey) and Jackson (Taye Diggs), and they are literally a married couple whom Addison thinks has "it all" you know perfect kids, perfect house, perfect love, and perfect touchy feely health co-op business. But, of course, since this is TV, perfect couples always end up being humanly flawed.
Addsion meets the cast of characters at the Oceanside Wellness Group co-op; "a widowed alternative medicine doctor, a self-doubting therapist and a male gynecologist who knows little about women", and concludes that they too are nutzoid like the pretty people at Seattle Grace, but in a more harmonious Feng Shui way, so she decides to plant her Forbes Montgomery roots in this granola hospital for a spell.
Sounds like an adventure, and maybe Addison can hook herself up with some "fight global warming" kind of hunk. Honestly, I think I'm more excited that on prime time TV we'll get to see doctors treating patients using alternative medicine. I'm sure they will throw in all the typical Western medical stuff as well, but what a breathe of fresh air to see other healing modalities.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 30, 2007 in Celebrities & the media | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Addison Montgomery, Grey's Anatomy, Kate Walsh, Taye Diggs
Normally, celeb magazines drool at the mouth when a celebrity gives them a photo opp so they can slap it all over next issue's cover and sell magazines like wildfire so that us gossip-obsessed fanatics can get our fix. So when, a celeb pub like US magazine emplores a celebrity to PLEASE wear a bra when in public, I just have to roll on the floor, peeing in my pants laugh.
US magazine wrote a funny letter on their blog to Victoria Beckham practically begging her to stop going out in public without her Victoria Secrets to hold up her ta-tas. They even kindly remind Ms. Posh that if she continues to go bra-less gravity will have its way and turn her perky hooters into sock puppets...Oh no, did I say that out loud. Hm, yes I did!
Check out the US letter, and their lovely slideshow of Posh's magnificent melons.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 30, 2007 in Celebrities & the media | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Posh, US magazine, Victoria Beackham
Let's be honest. The Oceans movie series is fabulous because of all the man candy on the screen, and I'm not just talking about Brad, George, and Matt. Oh no! All of the men in these movies are quite the dish, even the one who bends like a pretzel which is why he had supermodel girlfriends in #12.
I am really looking forward to Oceans 13 because Al Pacino and Ellen Barkin will be on board. Pacino and Andy Garcia reunite after mafia madness Godfather III, and Pacino and Barkin reunite after drama hotness Sea of Love. Oceans 13 is chock full of some serious charisma. I cannot wait!
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 30, 2007 in Celebrities & the media | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Oceans 13
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 29, 2007 | Permalink
So, I took this online "Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?" quiz over at USAToday Online, and apparently, I'm only in the 60 percentile. Dang! Guess that means no job for me at Google since I hear that they still ask you for your college GPA even though you have 15+ years of work experience in your field. GPA is not the only sign of intelligence or talent, but if I'm only 60% as smart as a 5th grader what do I know?...If only we could get the right-brain tests out, then we'll see who really wears the smartie pants....Yeah, you are but what what am I?
Take the quiz and find out your score.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 29, 2007 in Celebrities & the media | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Are you smarter than a 5th Grader
The gorgeous Halle Berry currently starring in the pee-in-my-pants thriller "Perfect Stranger" shared with Parade magazine a time in her life where she felt so low that she contemplated suicide. The time period was during her tumultuous divorce from baseball player David Justice. Halle says:
"I was sitting in my car, and I knew the gas was coming, when I had an image of my mother finding me," she says."She sacrificed so much for her children, and to end my life would be an incredibly selfish thing to do. "
Halle we're glad that you did not go through with it. You are a light in our crazy beauty obsessed Hollywood. I wish there were more actresses like you who display grace, respectability, and warmth. A true talent you are Ms. Halle Berry!
[AFP via Yahoo News]
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 29, 2007 in Celebrities & the media | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tags: Halle Berry, US
Look at that punim! (times two) Remember the Full House cutie Michelle Tanner played by the Olsen twins. They are so adorable, and now that they are grown up they are wanting to go under the knife and make their button noses even smaller. Por que? Why mess with a face that is already beautiful? Mary Kate and Ashley, we think you have a precious nose as is.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 29, 2007 in Celebrities & the media | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Ashley Olsen, Mary Kate Olsen
I found it fascinating that the bottom two couples on Dancing with the Stars included the two women who've made their career out of their looks, former supermodel Paulina Porizkova, and Miss USA 2004 Shandi Finnessy. But just because you look good doesn't mean that you can move good. Both women although stunning in their outfits, didn't have the same pizzazz of the other female "stars"; a boxer, an amputee, and a 50 year-old. Oh, and Damn! Leeza Gibbons turned 50 yesterday, March 26. She is hot!
The first star to go is Paulina Porizkova. Bye bye Mrs. "The Cars" Ocasek.
What's even more interesting to me is that Paulina and her partner Alec Mazo scored higher than Shandi and her partner Brian Fortuna by the judges. The swing vote was the public, and I guess they wanted the catwalker to strut back home. I thought that Clyde Drexler or Billy Ray Cyrus would be the first to go, but I was wrong.
So what have we learned from this folks? Supermodel or Beauty Queen pretty does not always equal popular.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 28, 2007 in Celebrities & the media | Permalink | Comments (4)
Tags: Dancing with the Stars, Paulina Porizkova
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 28, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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