- Here's a list of 10 unexpected ways people are using those oh-so-fun iPods. Not on the list, that I have suggested to creative types, use your video iPod as a portable porfolio. It's much easier than carrying around those big black books. [Open Culture]
Madonna is sporting a new hair do. In this outfit, she definitely looks like a power mogul. Check out her new coiffure. [PopSugar]
- That View is just a buzz with news. This morning Elisabeth Hasselbeck announced that she is expecting a bundle of joy due in the October time frame. Rosie will be gone by then, the 5th Viewer still has yet to be cast, and Elisabeth will obviously be out on maternity, so in theory we might have an entirely new cast next season. Hmmmm... [Fox News]
- According to a U.S. study, your ability to be rich or to get into financial troubles has nothing to do with your intelligence. You can have a low IQ and still be a millionaire. You can have a PhD and still be broke and in debt, or you can be as sharp as Paris Hilton and still be rich. Oh, the irony! [Yahoo News]
For me, here's some things I have to say caused me some embarrassment at the check out line. I think it's funny now:
Anything you've purchased at the drugstore make you blush?
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Apr 30, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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