You read right. Leonard "Spock" Nimoy has spent the last 8 years photographing nude obese women, and currently has a "Full Body Project" gallery show going on in Northampton, MA. On the topic of too-skinny models, Spock says:
“The average American woman, according to articles I’ve read, weighs 25
percent more than the models who are showing the clothes they are being
sold. So, most women will not be able to look like
those models. But they’re being presented with clothes, cosmetics,
surgery, diet pills, diet programs, therapy, with the idea that they
can aspire to look like those people. It’s a big, big industry.
Billions of dollars. And the cruelest part of it is that these women
are being told, ‘You don’t look right.’ ”
See. Spock gets it. So how did Nimoy start snapping zaftig women in the buff? It started when a 250-pound woman asked him to photograph her after meeting Nimoy at a showing of his "Shekhina" series - sensual, provocative images of naked women in religious Jewish wear. Nimoy was impressed by how confident this obese woman was in her body, and it got him interested in shooting more obese women like this lady.
Leonard Nimoy is an unlikely champion for fat body acceptance, but heck, if his stuff is good then all the better.
You read right. Leonard "Spock" Nimoy has spent the last 8 years photographing nude obese women, and currently has a "Full Body Project" gallery show going on in Northampton, MA. On the topic of too-skinny models, Spock says:
“The average American woman, according to articles I’ve read, weighs 25
percent more than the models who are showing the clothes they are being
sold. So, most women will not be able to look like
those models. But they’re being presented with clothes, cosmetics,
surgery, diet pills, diet programs, therapy, with the idea that they
can aspire to look like those people. It’s a big, big industry.
Billions of dollars. And the cruelest part of it is that these women
are being told, ‘You don’t look right.’ ”
See. Spock gets it. So how did Nimoy start snapping zaftig women in the buff? It started when a 250-pound woman asked him to photograph her after meeting Nimoy at a showing of his "Shekhina" series - sensual, provocative images of naked women in religious Jewish wear. Nimoy was impressed by how confident this obese woman was in her body, and it got him interested in shooting more obese women like this lady.
Leonard Nimoy is an unlikely champion for fat body acceptance, but heck, if his stuff is good then all the better.
Leonard Nimoy photogs nude zaftig ladies
You read right. Leonard "Spock" Nimoy has spent the last 8 years photographing nude obese women, and currently has a "Full Body Project" gallery show going on in Northampton, MA. On the topic of too-skinny models, Spock says:
See. Spock gets it. So how did Nimoy start snapping zaftig women in the buff? It started when a 250-pound woman asked him to photograph her after meeting Nimoy at a showing of his "Shekhina" series - sensual, provocative images of naked women in religious Jewish wear. Nimoy was impressed by how confident this obese woman was in her body, and it got him interested in shooting more obese women like this lady.
Leonard Nimoy is an unlikely champion for fat body acceptance, but heck, if his stuff is good then all the better.
[via NY Times]
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on May 17, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: Leonard Nimoy, obese women, photography
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