Benetton, is lending their famous brand slogan "The United Colors of Benetton" to a campaign to help fight domestic violence which they are calling the "Colors of Domestic Violence." I'm all for companies wanting to use their powerful brands to help in social issues, but I don't know about you guys, but I am having a hard time taking some of the clothing companies seriously because they can't get fully pull themselves away from the shallowness of fashion in order to get their message across, try as they may like Kenneth Cole with AIDS and war.
I don't care for the execution of these Benetton ads. First, the women in the Benetton ads are posed like models in magazine spreads wearing the latest Benetton fashions, along side their black eyes and cuts. Benetton is known for it's diversity yet all the women they used are all young and women of color. White women suffer from domestic violence just as much women of color in this country, and abuse is not singled out to the young, but also to older women who are wives, mothers, and grandmothers. I say if you're going to talk about a global problem then represent properly.
That's my two cents, what do you all think?
Update: Bad oopsie! Seems that this ad campaign is not blessed and sanctioned by Benetton. A writer at Broadsheet at Salon contacted Benetton for comment on this, and the Benetton folks were shocked about this fake. The sleuths are out to find the culprits. The conspiracy theorist in me is wondering if Benetton wanted to do a test run and used an internet leakage and "play dumb" to see how people would react before doing anything formal. Call me cynical but I used to work in the world of marketing and nothing shocks me.
The United Colors of abused women
Benetton, is lending their famous brand slogan "The United Colors of Benetton" to a campaign to help fight domestic violence which they are calling the "Colors of Domestic Violence." I'm all for companies wanting to use their powerful brands to help in social issues, but I don't know about you guys, but I am having a hard time taking some of the clothing companies seriously because they can't get fully pull themselves away from the shallowness of fashion in order to get their message across, try as they may like Kenneth Cole with AIDS and war.
I don't care for the execution of these Benetton ads. First, the women in the Benetton ads are posed like models in magazine spreads wearing the latest Benetton fashions, along side their black eyes and cuts. Benetton is known for it's diversity yet all the women they used are all young and women of color. White women suffer from domestic violence just as much women of color in this country, and abuse is not singled out to the young, but also to older women who are wives, mothers, and grandmothers. I say if you're going to talk about a global problem then represent properly.
That's my two cents, what do you all think?
Update: Bad oopsie! Seems that this ad campaign is not blessed and sanctioned by Benetton. A writer at Broadsheet at Salon contacted Benetton for comment on this, and the Benetton folks were shocked about this fake. The sleuths are out to find the culprits. The conspiracy theorist in me is wondering if Benetton wanted to do a test run and used an internet leakage and "play dumb" to see how people would react before doing anything formal. Call me cynical but I used to work in the world of marketing and nothing shocks me.
I don't care for the execution of these Benetton ads. First, the women in the Benetton ads are posed like models in magazine spreads wearing the latest Benetton fashions, along side their black eyes and cuts. Benetton is known for it's diversity yet all the women they used are all young and women of color. White women suffer from domestic violence just as much women of color in this country, and abuse is not singled out to the young, but also to older women who are wives, mothers, and grandmothers. I say if you're going to talk about a global problem then represent properly.
That's my two cents, what do you all think?
Update: Bad oopsie! Seems that this ad campaign is not blessed and sanctioned by Benetton. A writer at Broadsheet at Salon contacted Benetton for comment on this, and the Benetton folks were shocked about this fake. The sleuths are out to find the culprits. The conspiracy theorist in me is wondering if Benetton wanted to do a test run and used an internet leakage and "play dumb" to see how people would react before doing anything formal. Call me cynical but I used to work in the world of marketing and nothing shocks me.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on May 30, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: advertising, Benetton, Colors o Domestic Violence
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