Victoria Beckham's new line of jeans dvb (Denim by Victoria Beckham) launched to much hooplah last night at an event at Saks in NYC. Online you can check out dvb at Kitson, the hipster clothing playground to the stars in LA. Apparently, as well, the jeans are vanity sized so that you think you are smaller than you actually are. Here's Victoria holding up a size 2 pair. I know she's tiny, but she ain't that minuscule.
One of the most expensive pairs of jeans are these going for $290. Call me cheap-oh, but that's a great deal of casholah for a pair of jeans, twinkly stars or not. On average, you'll be throwing down at lest two Ben Franklins and a few Jacksons to buy a pair of Posh inspired denim heaven.
But hey, if I had the dough to not care and the ass to fit into something this clingy then perhaps I would be thrilled to have those sparkly stars on my buttay as to say, "Yes dammit! Shazzass! Look at my ass and linger. I spent hours on the treadmill and weeks of eating fiber and fruit for this, so I earned this gold star for hard work!"
Next we'll be putting crayon drawings of our ass on the fridge.