One of the first things we're told to do for optimal health is, "Eat more vegetables." "Aww! Do I have to? Does ketchup count?" The brain gets that it is good for you to eat more veggies but the heart would really rather eat more Krispy Kremes or Deep Dish pizza.
If a vegetable is a vegetable, what difference would it make if it was served fresh from a garden, from a can, or frozen from a bag? There is actually a meaningful difference, and it has to do with the nutrient potency of the vegetable which includes enzyme muscle. Here's a simple way to look at it:
Every step a vegetable has to go through between the ground and your fork, the more it loses its health-giving enzymes and vitamins. (more after the jump)
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Now, I am no celery and carrot sticks chick. No sirreee! I love food, and I like to get creative.
During my weight loss program, I am watching what I eat, but I am also not depriving myself. One reason I hate diets is that many foods get labeled "forbidden" or "bad". My philosophy is that you should change your eating choices to fit your new slim lifestyle. To say, you'll never eat a carb, or potato chip, or chocolate lava cake again is not realistic in my book. It's all about moderation, and the quality of the food itself.
In my food choices, I eat mostly organic, and I eat foods that are free of artificial and processed ingredients. If the ingredients sound like a chemistry experiment, I don't put it in my body. I'm not always perfect about my food choices, but for the most part, I eat vibrantly and in a way to keep my body as healthy as possible. It's a very loving thing to do to feed your body with beneficial, nourishing foods. It's also good to indulge once in awhile because life is too short not to enjoy treats!
Please enjoy!
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 30, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: diet food, fatblogging, food ideas, healthy, weight loss
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