Every month I look forward to seeing the sculpted abs of the cover girls of Women's Health magazine. I do like the magazine as well because they show more "muscle items" than most of the other women's fitness mags. My abs are the one area in my body, I so dearly want to skinnify so I truly look on in awe with women who have a flat and sculpted core.
But lately, I've noticed that although the cover girls are sculpted, they are pretty thin as well. Sometimes, it's just right on the border of healthy thin and "I'm wondering if they photoshopped in some of those muscle lines." Am I the only one who thinks that the Women's Health cover girls are a bit on the too skinny side?
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Sep 28, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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