I saw this video in the gym today. Remember Obsession from Animotion? My goodness this is a total 80's throw back. I do love this catchy tune. The video is actually full of Halloween costume ideas. I think I'd like to dress up like the female leader singer in that blue dress with the Aqua Net do. Classic 80s cheese! Happy Trick-or-treating.
Jumping bags of pumpkin peeps, I dropped 1.2 pounds and 1.0 inches this week. Only 7.2 small pounds left until I reach my goal of 25 pounds and 22 inches bye-bye. This week started off really good, and I had dropped some weight early on, but then by Sunday things started to go down emotionally real fast, and I started doing a great deal of emotional eating. Last night though, I actually had my first night of no night snacking. I was grateful for a small victory. I kept up with the 5 days of exercise, but the eating got out of hand.
Why? First, Halloween is the day that Matt first told me he loved me over 3 years ago, and so this howl-day has always been sweet-n-treat for me, but not this year. This is my first Halloween without Mattie, and it is crushing my heart, so my emotional state has been pretty sensitive. Second reason, I get into more detail in this week's video report. The restaurant I'm video taping from is called Citrine, in Redwood City, CA. If you live in the Bay Area, you must eat there because it's fresh, healthy, tasty food. Plus, they have FREE Wi-Fi. It's blogger heaven!
I'd have to say that the main motivation for me to at least keep up with the exercise is Twitter: Skinny Jeans. In two weeks, I have almost 200 people following me. Holey smokes! It's exciting, and it does make me feel more accountable. It's harder for me to rationalize myself out of exercise especially when there is no good reason to even do 15 minutes.
I say make this day, Halloween, your "Free" day and eat all the candy you want. Have guilt free fun! Relive happy childhood memories. Then tomorrow, donate all the left over candy to others.( video 5min 38sec)
Our fave America Ferrara will be on the cover of the December issue of Marie Claire UK. In the photo spread, America is showing more boobage than I have ever seen, quite seductive there missy. In the article America says, 'I think it's hilarious when people call Jessica Alba or Eva Longoria
curvy. Come on! They're not curvy – I'm curvy,' she laughs. We love America! [Daily Mail]
Since the Daily Mail is on a roll, these knitted dolls of Borat and Amy Winehouse make me giggle to no un-end. They are like yarn Barbies. Check out the rest of the line which includes the likes of Hitler, Harry Potter, and Liam Gallagher plus more. [Daily Mail]
Take a gander at some of the worst Halloween costumes of all time including the Sweat Hogs of Welcome Back Kotter, Small Wonder, and 70's Farrah Fawcett complete with mask with famous hair do. These people forgot about the Anna Rexia and the Vagina costume. Oh, I kid you not. [RetroCRUSH]
Text ads for shopping at Disney Family.com appear in an overlay for a video of a young woman stripping down to a thong and bra on webcam. Okay Disnay onlime marketeers, be sure to ask where your ads are going. I'm sure Minnie wouldn't appreciate this at all. [Ad Rants]
The beginnings of weight loss programs are always filled with enthusiasm, commitment, and diligence because you are intoxicated with the idea of getting back into your skinny jeans lickety split.
The problem is never the beginning of your weight loss journey, it's the middle where all the hard, sweaty, calorie-counting work takes place. Somewhere in the middle, resistance starts, and the rationalizing begins. You start to rationalize yourself out of doing your workouts or sticking to your diet plan. In most cases, it always starts small like:
"I'll do 3 workouts instead of 5 this week and just double up on the time." (But, you don't)
"Having a couple gooey sugary treats is not going to throw my diet off." (But, it does)
"I'll start over on Monday." (But, Monday came and went)
"I'm too tired to go workout. I have all this work to do, so I have to stay at work longer. I hear they are bringing in Chinese for dinner. I'd rather eat Kung Pao than pow-wow in kick boxing class." (But, work always comes first)
The bottom line is that if you want to get back in those skinny jeans and shed that muffin top, you have to do the work, consistently and committedly. The only difference between those who reach their goal and those who don't is consistent commitment to success. You have to make your goal a priority and stick to it.
Yes, you'll have bad days, and slip up days because you're human, but in the long run, if you want to get into that slinky hot black dress, you have to stop with the rationalizing out of your weight loss commitments. Each rationale, although seemingly small, adds up over time to the point where you end up staying at square one. You can reach your goal if you focus on your success and do the work.
The European Union has launched an anti-smoking campaign, and is using parodies to get people to give up the ciggies. They created this mock company called Nico Market which features several tobacco lovers products that really are supposed to disgust you into ridding yourself of the cancer sticks.
Nico Clean is the product geared to the fashionistas. Who needs healthy Noxzema skin when you can have grey, ghastly, nicotine damaged skin. If you want that raspy smokers voice, Nico Vox is for you, and for nasty yellow and grey nicotine stained teeth, then Nico Teeth is a must.
All the videos are cheeky, but I think they get the point across in a wanna be MAD TV kind of way.
Last week I mentioned that I traveled to Kansas City, MO. I was there at the Hallmark Cards corporate offices for their very first Blogger Conference along with a handful of other bloggers who specialize in parenting, weight loss, and life transitions representing the age groups: Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers.
Hallmark gathered us bloggers to learn more about us and our audiences and to get our opinions on some new cards in their newly launched (Feb 07) Journeys cards line. Journeys Cards are for times when you want to show someone support during challenging life phases like divorce, cancer, being stressed out, being on a diet, and coming out.
We got a peek into how the Journeys cards are made, and got to give input on hot topics in our particular area of expertise. Mine obviously was weight loss, but I did give input on how it would be nice to have cards on celebrating "Singlehood" as now 51% of adult Americans are single. Plus can we have more women's cards that are not about shoes, shopping, and chocolate. I'm tired!
Walking into this blogger conference, I have to admit that I always thought of Hallmark Cards more as my mother's or grandmother's cards because growing up the style reminded me of a " Little House on the Prairie" type of girlie feel. After this trip, that image is completely wiped from my psyche. I personally buy Shoebox Cards (a Hallmark brand) because they are witty, sarcastic, and funny.
The whole trip to Hallmark was absolutely fantastic but the personal highlight for me was to learn that one of the writer's of the Shoebox cards is a huge fan of Back in Skinny Jeans. I nearly peed in my pants when I met this witty and talented Shoebox lady as I am a huge fan of Shoebox. It was like when rock stars meet rock stars.
Here's some very cool things about Hallmark that I learned that I bet many of you didn't know:
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Oct 31, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Halloween, pumpkins
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