Peanut Roasted Nut Crunch bars for "Free" day. Yummy!
For many people on a weight loss program, Friday is typically a "Free" day where you allow yourself to eat anything on or off your diet menu. It's beneficial to have the Free days so that your psyche feels like it can still have some tasty treats even though you're on the "be gone muffin top" program.
My latest sweet distraction for Free days are these Peanut Roasted Nut Crunch bars from Nature Valley. The bars come in an Almond Crunch flavor as well, but oh my frickin' goodness, these Peanut Crunch bars are just so yummy. It's like Peanut-topia in your mouth, not kidding.
Each bar is 200 calories with 7g of protein and 2g of fiber, and contains only 6 ingredients void of anything chem lab sounding which I really like. The bars are a bit high in fat 14g because of all the nuts, and contain corn syrup, but hey at least it isn't high fructose corn syrup, and even then, who's going to call the diet police because it's a Free day delight. Indulge!