Antonio Banderas wants to try being a woman and other belly-hoos around the skinny-sphere
Caliente Antonio Banderas would like to try being a woman for a day just so he can get a better idea of what the "fairer" sex experiences so that he can understand them a little bit better. I can see Antonio in a remake of Switch. But who could play his female self? Hmmm, Salma Hayek would rock as a female Antonio. [OMG]
Santa's in Sydney Australia were told that they could not bellow, "Ho Ho Ho" like any normal Santa would because the word "Ho" could frighten small children who might think that Santa was actually saying, "Slut Slut Slut." In place, they wanted the Santa's to say, "Ha Ha Ha." But, now wouldn't the kids think that Santa is laughing at them not with them? All this PC stuff is crap. Ho Ho Ho is what Santa is supposed to say so leave the big guy alone. [Yahoo]
According to a study done by Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, they found that those people who exercised consistently at least 30 minutes a day, day after day had better odds of maintaining a stable weight over 20 years. If they did gain weight, it was no more than 14 pounds. Okay, am I missing something as this study seems to be another "No sh*t Sherlock" kind of finding to me. [Northwestern University]
Gossip mongers have been saying that JK Rowling was getting to thin, so the Harry Potter scribe is putting on some pounds on the "Eat More" Diet. She jokes that her next book project could be a revolutionary diet book. Could that be drop the pounds via Abra-cadabra? [Daily Mail]
Antonio Banderas wants to try being a woman and other belly-hoos around the skinny-sphere
Caliente Antonio Banderas would like to try being a woman for a day just so he can get a better idea of what the "fairer" sex experiences so that he can understand them a little bit better. I can see Antonio in a remake of Switch. But who could play his female self? Hmmm, Salma Hayek would rock as a female Antonio. [OMG]
Santa's in Sydney Australia were told that they could not bellow, "Ho Ho Ho" like any normal Santa would because the word "Ho" could frighten small children who might think that Santa was actually saying, "Slut Slut Slut." In place, they wanted the Santa's to say, "Ha Ha Ha." But, now wouldn't the kids think that Santa is laughing at them not with them? All this PC stuff is crap. Ho Ho Ho is what Santa is supposed to say so leave the big guy alone. [Yahoo]
According to a study done by Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, they found that those people who exercised consistently at least 30 minutes a day, day after day had better odds of maintaining a stable weight over 20 years. If they did gain weight, it was no more than 14 pounds. Okay, am I missing something as this study seems to be another "No sh*t Sherlock" kind of finding to me. [Northwestern University]
Gossip mongers have been saying that JK Rowling was getting to thin, so the Harry Potter scribe is putting on some pounds on the "Eat More" Diet. She jokes that her next book project could be a revolutionary diet book. Could that be drop the pounds via Abra-cadabra? [Daily Mail]
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Nov 16, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
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