One of the best gift's you can give yourself this holiday is forgiveness. One of the leading drivers behind emotional eating is hurt. Now you may think that anger is what is really keeping you from forgiving that person who you are mad at, but it isn't. The true emotion is hurt. That person did, said, or didn't do something that disappointed you, betrayed you, or humiliated you, and the result they produced in you truly is hurt. Simplistically, they hurt your heart.
The truthful yet necessary reality you need to see is that the grudge you hold against that other person, group, company or yourself, for that matter, affects only you. Continuing to be angry, bitter, and resentful hurts only you and keeps you trapped. The offending party has gone about their business and moved on. Beating yourself up is getting you no where except more suffering.
The longer you hold onto the pain and the hurt, the more your life passes you by. Ever know someone who has held onto a grudge for years or even decades? Did holding onto that anger bring them more happiness or even vindication? In most cases, no. In most cases, that person got more anger, more resentful and more hardness. What you focus on is what you grow and bring more of into your life.
When you forgive you are letting go of the weight of that pain. And yes, emotional weight can have physical manifestations as well. Ever know someone who finally forgave an ex-lover or parent and then mention that they just dropped 5 pounds days after the forgiveness?
When you forgive, you no longer need to feed that pain. The gorging at the holiday parties could really be you trying to comfort the hurt your grudge is fueling. When you forgive you will feel lighter and happier. There will also be more room in your heart for new people and loves to fill you with joy. At any time, you have a choice to be happy or be angry, so give yourself the gift of forgiveness this holiday.