My biggest beef about being an Apple shape are the back boobs you get when you gain too much weight, you know that bulge of fat that folds over over your back that looks like it could use a bra of its own. With 22 pounds gone, almost all of my back boobage is gone. There is still some slight folding on the flanks but they are miniscule compared to what used to be there. It feels nice to be able to wear more form fitting tops again.
Apparently, stories about Ford models working a treadmill like a super human is very popular with mainstream media readers. My post about some model who can run a treadmill like the Bionic Woman got picked up by Fox News, Reuters, and USA Today and got me lots of click throughs. I find it amazing that people are really fascinated with models and their apparent super human abilities. I guess being a regular human is just too boring. It saddens me.
I blog at a Starbucks near a police station and between 2-4pm, detectives come in to get their coffee fix. They usually come in packs of 3-4. How do I know they are detectives? Because they look exactly like the detectives on TV, sport coat, tie, slacks, and loafers, with slight view of gun holster. What I notice about the detectives is that most do not look as fit as the cops in uniform. There are definitely no SVU Elliott Stablers in the group. Perhaps that's because they aren't literally chasing perps any more. No biggie. I feel safe huddled amongst all this law enforcement.
I tried the soy egg nog and it just is not the same. I know it's a dairy alternative, but there is something that is lost in translation. Perhaps, it's just because I have childhood memories burned in my taste buds. I tried looking for a rice milk egg nog, and couldn't find one. I've been drinking rice milk more since learning that soy is really not that healthy as most of us think. If anyone has heard of a rice based egg nog, lemme know.
Random thoughts on skinny: Back boobs be gone
My biggest beef about being an Apple shape are the back boobs you get when you gain too much weight, you know that bulge of fat that folds over over your back that looks like it could use a bra of its own. With 22 pounds gone, almost all of my back boobage is gone. There is still some slight folding on the flanks but they are miniscule compared to what used to be there. It feels nice to be able to wear more form fitting tops again.
Apparently, stories about Ford models working a treadmill like a super human is very popular with mainstream media readers. My post about some model who can run a treadmill like the Bionic Woman got picked up by Fox News, Reuters, and USA Today and got me lots of click throughs. I find it amazing that people are really fascinated with models and their apparent super human abilities. I guess being a regular human is just too boring. It saddens me.
I blog at a Starbucks near a police station and between 2-4pm, detectives come in to get their coffee fix. They usually come in packs of 3-4. How do I know they are detectives? Because they look exactly like the detectives on TV, sport coat, tie, slacks, and loafers, with slight view of gun holster. What I notice about the detectives is that most do not look as fit as the cops in uniform. There are definitely no SVU Elliott Stablers in the group. Perhaps that's because they aren't literally chasing perps any more. No biggie. I feel safe huddled amongst all this law enforcement.
I tried the soy egg nog and it just is not the same. I know it's a dairy alternative, but there is something that is lost in translation. Perhaps, it's just because I have childhood memories burned in my taste buds. I tried looking for a rice milk egg nog, and couldn't find one. I've been drinking rice milk more since learning that soy is really not that healthy as most of us think. If anyone has heard of a rice based egg nog, lemme know.
Random thoughts on skinny: Back boobs be gone
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Dec 18, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news, Steph loses weight | Permalink
Tags: diet, fitness, lifestyle, weight loss
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