Stop carrying that huge bag. Today, the average woman's handbag weighs 5.2 lbs and in 10 years it is expected to grow to a hefty 6.6lbs. Gee ladies, it seems that we are carrying lots of stuff in that bag of ours. So, what could be making our bags so heavy?
It seems, modern life is weighing down our bags with gadgets like cell phones, PDAs, iPods, power cords, batteries, and laptops. Then there is the every day stuff like wallets crammed with credit cards and checks, makeup bags, water bottles, books, magazines, and even spare underwear. I know that at times, I have enough stuff in my bag to make it through an emergency overnighter.
It's great that today's big purse designs allow us to be walking apartments, but in the long term, carrying all that weight especially over one shoulder can wreck havoc on your back. Chiropractor's are seeing an increase in back issues because of people carrying heavy bags too often for too long.
Do you really need to be carrying all that stuff in your purse? Maybe it's time to do some handbag spring cleaning and help your back out.
[via Daily Mail]
[picture: "eBags " ]