Work a treadmill like a Ford model in super human shape
Ford Models has a Fitness category on their website TV channel, and they do not fail to "exceptionalize" even in the workout arena. Here's one of their models doing an interval treadmill workout which is fine if you are super fit like some Olympian. I sware there should be some kind of warning label on this video. I say this because at one point she talks of doing sprints at 8.0-10.0 speed or doing hills at 15% incline running at 5.0 speed. Holey guacamole! If you're a seasoned treadmiller, you will understand just how crazy these settings are for most people even fairly fit ones.
If you are starting out, you will surely strain or injure something if you try to bust out at 8.0-10.0 speed or 15% incline at 5.0 if you've never done it before. Start out slow, and work your way up. No one looks model pretty laid up with injuries, and you could do permanent damage to your body if you push way too hard too soon. Any good trainer will tell you that.
Work a treadmill like a Ford model in super human shape
Ford Models has a Fitness category on their website TV channel, and they do not fail to "exceptionalize" even in the workout arena. Here's one of their models doing an interval treadmill workout which is fine if you are super fit like some Olympian. I sware there should be some kind of warning label on this video. I say this because at one point she talks of doing sprints at 8.0-10.0 speed or doing hills at 15% incline running at 5.0 speed. Holey guacamole! If you're a seasoned treadmiller, you will understand just how crazy these settings are for most people even fairly fit ones.
If you are starting out, you will surely strain or injure something if you try to bust out at 8.0-10.0 speed or 15% incline at 5.0 if you've never done it before. Start out slow, and work your way up. No one looks model pretty laid up with injuries, and you could do permanent damage to your body if you push way too hard too soon. Any good trainer will tell you that.
Ford Models has a Fitness category on their website TV channel, and they do not fail to "exceptionalize" even in the workout arena. Here's one of their models doing an interval treadmill workout which is fine if you are super fit like some Olympian. I sware there should be some kind of warning label on this video. I say this because at one point she talks of doing sprints at 8.0-10.0 speed or doing hills at 15% incline running at 5.0 speed. Holey guacamole! If you're a seasoned treadmiller, you will understand just how crazy these settings are for most people even fairly fit ones.
If you are starting out, you will surely strain or injure something if you try to bust out at 8.0-10.0 speed or 15% incline at 5.0 if you've never done it before. Start out slow, and work your way up. No one looks model pretty laid up with injuries, and you could do permanent damage to your body if you push way too hard too soon. Any good trainer will tell you that.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Dec 13, 2007 in Skinny commentary & news, Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink
Tags: fitness, ford models, treadmill, workout
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