One school of thought in motivation tactics is to berate and humiliate someone into change. But think about this for a moment, how can your health go up when you or anyone else puts "you" down? How can you feel wonderful about yourself and life via fault finding and critical nit picking? A negative cannot create a positive. Like energy can only create and attract like energy.
An extreme example of using disdain as an incentive method is this guy Michael Karolchyk who owns the "Anti Gym" in Denver who has quickly garnished A-list a**holeness around the Internets for his "Chubbies get no hubbies" style of weight loss stimulus. He's like that meat head bully in high school who likes to terrorize fat girls by demeaning them and making them feel inferior.
The thing though about this Michael "Anti-Class" Karolchyk is that in many ways he is just a physical manifestation of the inner critic that lives in many people's heads especially in the heads of people who can't stop putting themselves down, or have severe self loathing issues. Now, this guy may be an extreme jerk, but how extreme have your own inner put-downs been? How many times have you said to yourself things like:
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jan 31, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (20) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: body slimming garments, discussion, spanx, under wear
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