Blog: My Cup Runneth Over
Tracking: Jay
Niche: 70 pounds to drop (30 gone so far)
Health goal: To finally see my abs and have tons more energy to do
more in life.
Jay's story:
I started working from home in June of 2007. Sitting in
front of the PC 8hrs a day getting up to go to the bathroom or the fridge every
so often.
My body was showing it, and one day my wife asked me, "Why don't you do something
else during the day, exercise go outside." I shrugged it off. One day bored out
of my mind I turned on FIT TV and met Gilad Janklowicz and that changed everything. So, how is my blog helping me reach my goal... each day to the fullest ...
On my blog, I have a section called “The Road to 170” which is the weight goal I want to reach by March 2008. Here I track my weight and body fat percentage. I also have another section called “Workout Routine” where you can see what my basic workout routine is for the week. I even workout using a Wii! Recently, I posted "My Bucket List” following a meme on Twitter, and it includes to live each day to the fullest.
What one thing has helped you the most in working towards your health & fitness goal:
Constant determination!
What one thing you would like more help with:
How can I lose weight faster, eating smarter and working out to drop 2-3 lbs per week. Any tips?
Visit Jay's blog: My Cup Runneth Over