Blog: Throwing Out the Fat Clothes
Tracking: Brenda
Niche: Drop 150 pounds using Weight Watchers, healthy eating.
Health goal: To really love and understand myself. My fitness goal is to become a runner.
Brenda's story:
Here I am
at my heaviest, and most uncomfortable. Events this summer made me really
take a step back and evaluate who and what was really important to me (including my husband). I am glad it happened when it did. I am closer to
my husband more than ever, and working to be healthy and enjoy all the time I
can spend playing with my dogs.
You see,
I always based my self-worth on whether or not other people liked me because I
didn’t like me. At 35, I felt as though I was 65 and I didn’t like my life
that way. I am using my blog to say out loud to share some of the things
that have always worked against me health-wise like binging, eating too fast,
and comparing myself to others. So, this is how blogging and Weight Watchers is helping me...
...People are winning and struggling every day just like me ...
Out the Fat Clothes is about me discovering me. I think this blog is a primary
reason I am successful. Yes, I eat right using Weight Watchers and working
out. Reading other people’s blogs gave me the courage to try new things, and
realize that there really are people out there just like me. People are winning
and struggling every day just like me.
I have become much more outgoing in my daily life because of my new found focus on my health. I hope that by sharing my story I can help others get out and try something new!
What one thing has helped you the most in
working towards your health & fitness goal:
My blog has helped me the most in
working towards my goal.
What one thing you would like more help with:
I would love more help with fitness specifically training to become a runner. Any tips?