Blog: Keep Up With Me
Tracking: Zandria
Niche: Working on muscles
Health goal: I want to be able to do at least one unassisted pull-up.
Zandria's story:
What causes a person who’s never worked out on a consistent
basis to become interested in fitness? For me, it all started about six months
Last summer I went from wanting to be more active, and thinking that I should be doing something, to actually doing it. What happened was, after too many years of putting way too much time and energy into retaining a certain number on the scale, I decided I was going to start focusing on how I felt.
Instead of being skinny and weak, I wanted to be stronger. I was tired of joking about my almost nonexistent cardio endurance, and my serious lack of upper-body strength. I'd never lifted weights regularly in my life other than a few halfhearted attempts at dumbbell curls using a 5-lb weight.
So why am I interested in fitness? And how do I continue to stay motivated?
...I can feel the muscles in my legs working to give me momentum ...
Confidence: Even though I've actually gained a few pounds since I started working out (it was weight that I needed to gain), I feel more comfortable wearing close-fitting shirts than I did when I weighed less -- there are muscles there now, holding my stomach in.
Even though I can't fit into most of my old pants anymore, it's okay -- it means my butt is no longer flat and saggy. I'm just going to tell it like it is, okay? When I walk up a steep hill, I can feel the muscles in my legs working to give me momentum. I like being able to see how far I've progressed, and how much easier it is for me to do certain exercises than when I first started. I explain more in detail about my increased energy level, the “good” sore, and self-sufficiency here at my blog.
I find fitness information to be interesting, useful, and inspiring!
What one thing has helped you the most in
working towards your health & fitness goal:
The thing that has helped me the most in working towards my fitness goals are the RESULTS – the changes I see in my body, and the way I feel physically.
What one thing you would like more help with:
I’d like more help with trying new physical activities that I’ve never done before. Any tips?
Visit Zandria's blog: Keep Up With Me