There's nothing like an ear to ear smile, the kind that you can feel in your whole body like the day you got a promotion, the day you got married, the time you found a $20 bill in a pair of jeans when you were tight on cash, the day your child was born, or the first time your sweetie told you they loved you. Smiling is good for the soul but here are some ways that smiling can help you on your way to achieving your healthy weight goals:
- In order to get a smile on your face, you need to first think of things that would make you smile in the first place, so if you're focused on thinking about something to smile about, you will quickly find one happy thing, then another, and another. Minutes or hours can go by while you are on this "happiness" kick, so odds are high that any cravings for junk foods to feed your sad emotions will not make an appearance. The need to stuff emotions with food are typically only associated with sad, depressed type feelings not uplifting happy ones.
- It's hard to chew and smile at the same time, at least politely, so if you are spending more time smiling than eating junk foods like chips, cookies, or candy, you can save yourself from over eating extra, un-needed calories.
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Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jan 18, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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