"Your Two Cents": Body slimming garments, blessing or reinforcement that "bulges are bad"?
Time for you all to weigh in on today's question:
Your Two Cents: Are body slimming under garments like Spanx and girdles, a blessing to help us look our best or are they reinforcement that having bulges from excess pounds is bad or unattractive somehow so you need to hide them?
"Your Two Cents": Body slimming garments, blessing or reinforcement that "bulges are bad"?
Time for you all to weigh in on today's question:
Your Two Cents: Are body slimming under garments like Spanx and girdles, a blessing to help us look our best or are they reinforcement that having bulges from excess pounds is bad or unattractive somehow so you need to hide them?
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jan 31, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: body slimming garments, discussion, spanx, under wear
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