I decided to give my scale a personality makeover (more in my head than anything) and replace the previous "bearer of bad news" persona with this new light hearted goofy personality with these cool INAnimate stickers that let you add character via stickers to your inanimate objects like scales, PDAs, or water bottles.
It may sound ridiculous, but I found that when I added these silly stickers onto my scale, the thing didn't look so daunting or cold as it did before. I mean look at it. Doesn't it look cute? While, I was at it, I added a face to a water bottle. The water looks like it would be so much fun to drink now.
And how can I get all uptight when I have that goofiness staring back at me. It makes me giggle to look at that face. While I'm at it, might as well give the scale a name. People name their boats and cars so why not a scale which some of us spend more time with than with people. Not saying that is a healthy thing, I'm just saying.
The name that pops into my head is Lucille. I know that was the name of some famous musician guy's guitar, and perhaps since that was a symbol of his trade, the scale is a symbol of mine. Although, I'm trying to wean myself from the need to live by the scale. I've been doing fairly well with that since January.
Instead of weighing myself every other day or week, I now weigh myself like every 2-3 weeks. Been trying to do what Pasta Queen is attempting to do and weigh-in only once a month. It's a toughie when you are used to weighing yourself every day. I actually find it relieving that I don't have to report to my master any more. Now, somehow, reporting in with Lucille and her goofy grin feels so much lighter.