Spring Break for many girls means bikinis, short-shorts, and midriff baring attire, so you can imagine how that pressure to look good can trigger someone to go to extremes in order to fit in and look hot.
Pal Leslie of The Weighting Game was on the Today Show with Ashley, a young woman who at one time suffered from anorexia and bulimia issues in order to be thin for events like Spring Break. The ladies discuss how Spring Break can trigger eating disordered behavior, and on The Weighting Game, Leslie goes into more detail of her own personal experience with the pressures of Spring Break.
From my own personal experience another phenomena that goes hand in hand with the Spring Break frenzy to be thin is binge drinking. When you get to Spring Break and because you haven't been eating anything or very little for months in order to drop the weight, your body gets a severe shock when you start drinking right away, and the drunk buzz comes on after only one drink. The majority of calories that many girls will only consume during Spring Break comes from booze.
I've seen girls get completely plastered drunk because they see other girls who are thinner and prettier than they are, and so the depression and self-loathing sets in, and they don't want to feel that pain, so it's easy to get drunk and not deal. Besides being destructive to the body, the big danger with this kind of drinking is that this makes the girl more susceptible to young men with ill intentions, so things like rape and sexual assault are not uncommon during Spring Break.
By all means have fun at Spring Break, but take with you some of these pointers:
On the first night, I met new friend Susan Mernit at this very cute and fabulous wine bar in Palo Alto, Vino Locale, and then later went out with some old buddies (all guys) from college whom some I hadn't seen in 15 years. We played pool, drank beers, laughed, and I felt not only happy but relieved that I did not have to write any posts before getting to bed. It was also fabulous to hang out with a group of men who I felt completely safe with. It reminded me that you can hang out with a group of men and NOT feel like a sexual target.
And this led me to the second night, where it started to dawn on me that perhaps, I may be using the Internet to curb emotional issues much like I've used food in the same manner...
Continue reading "Part I of II: How over-interneting is like over-eating" »
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Mar 31, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news, Steph loses weight, Steph's life story | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: health, insomnia, internet, tips, too much internet, use
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