On your weigh-in day, how many of you will do something, anything to eliminate any kind of weight before stepping on the scale to ensure that you get the lowest weight possible? We've all done some thing, mostly silly and some on the not-so-healthy side, to make sure that we have shaved off any possible extra weight before stepping on Bonita Tanita.
Recognize anything on this list:
- Weigh in first thing in the morning after taking a poop and pee.
- Do morning weigh-in but wait til you've had one poop and two pees.
- After 2nd pee, you think a third is possible so you wait.
- Take off all your clothes and jewelry
- Take off all your makeup
- Take off any ponytail rubber bands or bobby pins
- Blow or pick your nose
- Spit in a cup til you can't spit anymore (my wrestler bro used to do this)
- Weigh yourself, go do cardio and sweat as much as possible, and weigh yourself again to see if you sweated any weight away
- Pick any belly button lint or toe jam
- Cut your toenails and fingernails
- Cut your hair (I know this girl who hacked off her beautiful locks so she could be 2 pounds lighter)
- Have a good cry and shed as many tears as possible
- Do an enema or colonic
- Suck in your gut as you step on the scale (more psychological)
- Exhale to get all the air out of your lungs before stepping on the scale
- Try and pee a fourth time or poop a second
- Wait til the full moon is over because you heard the body retains more water during full moons
Are there any other things you've heard of people doing to get the smallest number on the scale on weigh-in day?
As a side note, I'm not giving pointers so folks can get a "thin as possible" weigh-in, and if you do any of these things religiously or obsessively, then this falls into the un-healthy zone where I highly recommend that you talk to your doctor, counselor, or therapist about. I wrote this post mainly as a way to illustrate how the desire to achieve a "number on the scale" can sometimes drive us to do illogical and extreme things.
Last week, one of my very favorite bloggers, Katieo of Sister Skinny announced that she reached her mission to get into a size 6. Via video, she even took us to the store to watch her pick out a pair of jeans. Like many in her audience, I cheered with excitement for her reaching her goal. It was thrilling to see that look of sheer happiness in her face, and what was fantastic was that the happiness was more of one of accomplishing a goal and creating a healthier life than "hey look I'm skinnier now." Katieo has much to be proud of.
But, now that the mission has been accomplished Sister Skinny, the blog, is to be no more. Katieo and her sister Molly who's 5 months pregnant have decided to stop posting. We'll still see them around the blogosphere, but as visitors rather than hosts.
Initially, I was shocked by the announcement and here's why...
Continue reading "When is it time to stop blogging about your weight loss?" »
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Apr 28, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blogging, diets, health, losing weight, weight loss
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