No, shots of vinegar will not make you skinny and other tidbits around the skinnysphere
This is refreshing! Thank you FitSugar for the real low down on the myth that Fergie seems to think shots of vinegar can help you drop the lbs and get rid of that muffin top. [FitSugar]
Most of us think that vitamins are good for us and can't hurt us. Well, think again. Yes, supplementing our nutrition with vitamins can be beneficial but over doing it is not kosher and some vitamin combos taken over a long period of time have been linked to increase your risk for death up to 16%. Yikes! [Reader's Digest]
Nutrisystemfails forgot to mention that one of the main contributors to Marie Osmond shedding 40lbs to get her new rockin' bod is all that boogeying she did to train for Dancing With The Stars. Who wouldn't be skinnier with that much shimmy shaking. [Burning the Scale]
Test your awareness in this video. I got the first answer right, but totally missed the second part. Lesson: It's amazing how we can completely miss something that is right in front of our eyes because we can get TOO tunnel visioned. Perhaps, that explains how we can only see body flaws and not our beauty.
No, shots of vinegar will not make you skinny and other tidbits around the skinnysphere
This is refreshing! Thank you FitSugar for the real low down on the myth that Fergie seems to think shots of vinegar can help you drop the lbs and get rid of that muffin top. [FitSugar]
Most of us think that vitamins are good for us and can't hurt us. Well, think again. Yes, supplementing our nutrition with vitamins can be beneficial but over doing it is not kosher and some vitamin combos taken over a long period of time have been linked to increase your risk for death up to 16%. Yikes! [Reader's Digest]
Nutrisystemfails forgot to mention that one of the main contributors to Marie Osmond shedding 40lbs to get her new rockin' bod is all that boogeying she did to train for Dancing With The Stars. Who wouldn't be skinnier with that much shimmy shaking. [Burning the Scale]
Test your awareness in this video. I got the first answer right, but totally missed the second part. Lesson: It's amazing how we can completely miss something that is right in front of our eyes because we can get TOO tunnel visioned. Perhaps, that explains how we can only see body flaws and not our beauty.
No, shots of vinegar will not make you skinny and other tidbits around the skinnysphere
failsforgot to mention that one of the main contributors to Marie Osmond shedding 40lbs to get her new rockin' bod is all that boogeying she did to train for Dancing With The Stars. Who wouldn't be skinnier with that much shimmy shaking. [Burning the Scale]Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Apr 10, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: dancing with the stars, fergie, nutrissytem, vitamins
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