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For your healthy snacking pleasure over at Noshtopia:
There are many benefits to weaning off the diet soda, but once you do that what is there to drink besides water and tea. For some inspiration, here are 9 drinks free of artificial sweeteners.
Trader Joe's has so many yummy snacks to choose from. Here are 5 snack ideas under 150 calories.
Sometimes I like to make "no sauce" pasta meat sauce. Yes, you heard right, a "no sauce" sauce, and it is easy, yummy, and chaulk full of protein.
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There are many benefits to weaning off the diet soda, but once you do that what is there to drink besides water and tea. For some inspiration, here are 9 drinks free of artificial sweeteners.
Trader Joe's has so many yummy snacks to choose from. Here are 5 snack ideas under 150 calories.
Sometimes I like to make "no sauce" pasta meat sauce. Yes, you heard right, a "no sauce" sauce, and it is easy, yummy, and chaulk full of protein.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Apr 11, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: diets, healthy eating, losing weight, no carb, snacks, Trader Joes
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