Wanna see a woman with some serious abs of steel? Workout Mommy has a cool interview with Tami, who shares her secret to getting that amazing six pack, "Abs are built in the kitchen." You can do all the crunches in the world, but if you keep eating junk like 7Eleven is going out of business, then that muffin top will continue to cover up those defined abs. Mentally, I remind myself that I actually do have a six pack, it's just buried underneath an Oreo and French Fry filled Omentum as Dr. Oz eloquently explains.
So: Clean up your eating + exercise = blasting the muffin top. Simple {in theory}.
Speaking of muffin tops, I have gained 6 pounds since this insomnia started at the beginning of March. Oh yeah! I stepped on Bonita Tanita yesterday, and couldn't believe the number she displayed to me. I realize that I haven't been eating the best and exercising regularly, but it's not like I have completely fallen off the wagon. I have noticed that my jeans have been feeling snugger and mostly around the gut area. I sware, I gain weight in my waist as fast as the Big O guy filling my tire with air. Perhaps that's why the muffin top is also called a spare tire.
This is where the growth and healing come in. I've been seriously working hard on not letting the scale steal my joy or any of my self worth. But sweet mother Mary, it is not easy. I got on that scale and at least 5 emotions sprang from "Fuck! I'm tired. When will this weight gaining shit ever end! To, "Ok, it's just 6 little pounds, and this is just part of the process. The extra weight is just a symbol that you are off track with your healthy living habits. So get back to focus."
My lower self starts thinking that a little lipo in the gut wouldn't be that bad (I'm not impervious to those thoughts), and then my higher self chimes in with the fact that lipo just removes fat, it doesn't prevent it from coming back. Plus, if we did lipo we'd have to put it on the Visa, and what absurdity is that to put vanity surgery on a credit card. Yeah, people do it all the time, but seriously, I'd rather go into debt because I had to pay for food and bills while I get my business going than for a procedure to suck out fat that I and my fat-creating habits are responsible for.
What we want is long term success, not instant results that will last as long as Paris Hilton's singing career.