Many of us who are body conscious are working hard to achieve our aspirations of health and slimness, but beyond your body, are you working on other aspirations that set your soul on fire?
For me, I have two aspirations that I am focused on at the moment. The first is to get my online blog business thriving to the point where I have a revenue stream that allows me to be financially independent and prosperous. I have always dreamed of being a business owner, and I'm doing it.
It's been exciting and fulfilling as well as kind of sloppy and slow, but it's mine. It's my fabulous and flawed process. I'm taking steps to move forward on it, and not letting my imperfection fears hinder me. How many of us are waiting for perfect times, situations, or circumstance before we take even a baby step in the direction of our dreams?
The second aspiration I have is to get my photography to the point where it looks like the work of these two people. First is Beatrice Peltre who is a food writer, food stylist, photographer, and recipe developer. She is a regular contributor to the Boston Globe Food Section, and check out her portfolio as well as her blog La Tartine Gourmande particularly the recipe section. Stunning!
The second amazing eye is Matt Armendariz of the blog Matt Bites who is an art director, photographer, graphic designer, and writer. I found him through Martha Stewart's blogroll. Check out Matt's outstanding portfolio. zOMG unbelievable!
I aspire to be able to take food pictures on the level of Beatrice and
Matt. Considering I picked up my first digital SLR camera 1-1/2 years
ago, I think I have come far, and I know that I have a natural talent
at photography because I've been able to do what I have with no
training whatsoever. I didn't even read the manual for my camera. I was
so thrilled here with my recent picture of a Fava bean in its pod.
I have much to learn in photography, and all that possibility excites me like you would not believe. I REALLY want to learn more about food styling. I get to feed my creative spirit and that makes my entire being happy. Coincidentally, I have had almost no food issues since I started focusing on Noshtopia and letting go of the body image focus. Aspiring to be a business owner and a fantastic photographer is proving to be far more rewarding to me than the aspirations I focused on for so long with my jeans size and a number on a scale.
So, how about you? What aspirations are you working on that light your fire and have nothing to do with body image or weight?
I give Tyra complete props for turning her modeling career into something far more substantial like becoming the creative source, an Executive Producer and star of not one but two TV shows, "America's Next Top Model" and The Trya Banks Show." It does take a whole lot of hard work and talent to pull this off, and the woman has earned her status. I do believe she is a rising media power, but today, not necessarily in the direction she would like us to think. I do believe she can make a shift though.
Tyra says that, "she thinks that she was put on this earth to instill self-esteem in young girls." However, let's take a look at the content of both shows. Both shows focus primarily on beauty and fashion, the outer package. At the same time she's telling girls to be independent and fierce, and then here's what to look for in a plastic surgeon and tips on becoming a super model.
Modeling is one of the biggest self-esteem killers out there, and all these issues with body image & eating disorders arise because these young girls are bombarded with images in the media of what is valued and desired which is an idolized, unattainable-for-most kind of beauty. Watching her show sometimes feels like the pretty model girl who made it on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue is telling all the not-so-pretty girls that with enough hard work and tips they too can be pretty in their own special way.
It's contradictory to tell young girls that you're beautiful no matter what and then have a show about girls competing to be the prettiest for a modeling contract. You can't say love your body no matter what size and then declare the winner of your modeling show a plus size model at a size 10. There are way too many contradictions in the content and messages of both shows.
For me to consider Tyra in the brand footsteps of Martha and Oprah, she needs to start doing more stuff that shows young women how to build meaning versus beauty like this:
So you see my point. Tyra has the building power and opportunity to make some very meaningful and significant impact in the media. I think she just needs to make some adjustments, and if she does, I can easily see her and respect her in the same league as O and Martha.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on May 29, 2008 in Celebrities & the media, Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: magazine, martha, ny times, oprah, tyra banks
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