So, hello manjoyment! I was at the bookstore this weekend and on display was Mario Lopez's new book "Mario Lopez's Knockout Fitness" side by side to LL Cool J's sixpastic, "LL Cool J's Platinum Workout" Here we have the battle of 'Knockout" versus "Mama Said Knock You Out."
Some dude named Jeff O'Connell is involved in both books. He's an executive writer for Men's Health magazine. He's also obviously becoming the scribe of ab-sensation.
I had to stop and drool gawk for "research purposes." (See the things I do for you people.) Honestly, I was in a bit of a manlicious euphoric haze looking at all those glistening pecs and packs because...well, look... wouldn't you be too?
Hey, I was just innocently walking over to find some Food Network celeb cookbooks, then, Booyah! I stop pedin my tracks. But no mind, I'd rather look at these two than that Skinny Biatch.
It goes to show that we women are not the only ones subjected to idealized "perfect" figures. While women are starving to get skinnier faster, the guys are juicing up to bulk faster. Both Mario and LL claim they got pumped up physiques through good old fashioned food and exercise, and that we can too if we work hard, but do you believe that? I don't think they were roiding like Jose Canseco, but I would believe there was some borderline muscle enhancement "supplementation" action? My cynicism is showing I know.