Nosh bites: Nutritional comparison of cow milk versus non-dairy milks
Over at Noshtopia for your eating wellness pleasure:
I always wanted to see a nutritional match up between cow milk: Non-fat, 1%, 2%, and Whole, versus non-dairy milks like rice, soy, almond, hemp, and oat. If you're curious too, check out the comparison chart I created. I was really surprised by the protein match-up and which of all the milks has the highest % of daily calcium. I can tell you it's not the cow milk like the dairy industry would like us to believe.
My 7-day gluten-free vegan "Great Food Reboot Experiment" came to an end. Find out my final thoughts. I'd like very much to know how any of you U.S. vegans or vegetarians deal with the social situation I describe when you visit foreign countries.
Want a snack idea that tastes like Pineapple Upside Down cake but without the cake part. Check this out.
Nosh bites: Nutritional comparison of cow milk versus non-dairy milks
Over at Noshtopia for your eating wellness pleasure:
I always wanted to see a nutritional match up between cow milk: Non-fat, 1%, 2%, and Whole, versus non-dairy milks like rice, soy, almond, hemp, and oat. If you're curious too, check out the comparison chart I created. I was really surprised by the protein match-up and which of all the milks has the highest % of daily calcium. I can tell you it's not the cow milk like the dairy industry would like us to believe.
My 7-day gluten-free vegan "Great Food Reboot Experiment" came to an end. Find out my final thoughts. I'd like very much to know how any of you U.S. vegans or vegetarians deal with the social situation I describe when you visit foreign countries.
Want a snack idea that tastes like Pineapple Upside Down cake but without the cake part. Check this out.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on May 15, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: eating wellness, noshtopia, vegan, vegetarian
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