Sometimes the voice in my head sounds like Jedi master Yoda. A few months ago while trying to figure out the root cause of that wicked insomnia spell I had, this is what the wise one echoed,
“Focus on your body
not. Evolve is the time.”
“What the eff Yoda?” lower self balked. My higher self knew exactly what he was talking about and it has lifted a burden that has been weighing heavy on my heart for quite some time. I have lots of work to do, but now I can sleep. In fact, my sleep is almost back to normal.
After much deliberation about this, and trust me it’s been very hard, I have decided to change the focus of Back in Skinny Jeans and lessen my time here, and focus more time growing and expanding Noshtopia. Yes, it’s kind of a biggie announcement today, and also poignant as I am this close to 2,000 BISJ posts.
At the core, it’s very simple. At some point, we as women have to evolve beyond making our body & our looks the priority in our lives. At some point, we have to let go of obsessing and focusing on what we weigh, our dress size, and what other women look like compared to us. We have to let go of the constant fat and body talk, and just love our body. At some point, it becomes time to let go of an old life where we defined our life by our physical body, and move onto a bigger life filled with depth, interestingness, and progress. At some point, we have to stop trying to be an image, and start being who we really are which has absolutely nothing to do with the way we look.
Why can’t you blog
and evolve at the same time?
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Nosh bites: Mojito Guacamole, Fruit kabobs, and How to cook Quinoa & Fresh Fava Beans
Over at Noshtopia for your eating wellness pleasure:
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on May 21, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: food, losing weight, recipes, weight loss
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