Zandria had this interesting post about what people have said to her, and it got me thinking about what people have said to me. Here are some standouts:
1.) "You look better in person"
(During a first meeting from a guy I met through an online dating site.)
2.) "You're hot. Wanna hook up?"
(This is the average modern day pick up line online. Call me
old-fashioned but I sure would love to live in a Jane Austen novel and
have men court me the way of Mr. Darcy. Man, I love this movie.)
3.) "Is you one of dem dar ornamentals? You sure are purdy."
(Mr.Darcy would not dare utter these words. However, a spit patooning ornery old Texan in the tumbleweeds would. At a diner somewhere near Waco Texas, a collegue and I got lost on the freeway and decided to eat. I didn't react to the toothless old critter who said this to me because we were near Waco, and I thought he might get all hostage on me. I rationed that he was trying to be nice in his own way.)
4.) "Only one?!? Girl you need to be on at least three."
(From a dating pro I met when I told her I have just started doing the online dating thing. I told her I was only on one site, and she told me I needed to "spread myself out" and be on at least three. That's what everyone does apparently. I haven't dated in 4 years. Oh my the Internets have become more complicated.)
5.) "You are very welcome!"
(I was about 10 feet away from the entrance to my gym, and this cute young man in his early 20's held the door open for me until I got to the door. I looked him in the eye and said, "Thank you" and thought "wow! Some Jane Austen chivalry does still exist.)
What are some standout lines people have said to you?
TODAY: Does Weight Watchers work?
Weight Watchers is the next diet program to be probed in the TODAY show's series, "TODAY Investigates Diet Programs."
Karen is a working mom with one child and her own small business. Her goal is to drop 18 pounds in 3-months using Weight Watchers. Karen is given 24 points per day during the 3-months. Here is the mathematical formula WW uses to calculate points:
p = Points
c = Calories
f = Fat Grams
r = Dietary fiber Grams
(Note: min{r, 4} equals the number of grams of dietary fiber or 4, whichever is smaller. In other words, only the first 4 grams of fiber "count.") Luckily, WW users are given simple breakdowns so you don't have to do math just to eat a muffin.
Karen goes on the show with Heidi the nutritionist, and both share their opinions of WW with Ann Curry. I sware it was like a Hallmark card where I was waiting for one of the ladies to ask for a tissue. I do believe though that Karen has better odds of keeping the extra weight off, and I did appreciate her honest sharing of how hard it is to incorporate healthy eating when you are under enormous daily pressures.
The atmosphere for this WW show was very different from the Jenny Craig piece. Heidi prefers WW a great deal more than Jenny Craig because WW incorporates real food from the start and a support system is the cornerstone of the program. The price is also much cheaper at $125/month not including the food.
I'm not a fan of paid diet programs, but if I had to pick one to join, I'd chose Weight Watchers for the very reasons Heidi mentioned. Next program to be probed is plain old diet & exercise. Stay Tuned.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on May 15, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: diets, today, weight loss, weight watchers
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