Continuing on the theme from last weeks "Yes, You Can" signs about going for the things you want in life, I thought it would be beneficial to add on some motivation related to the action we must take to move into a bigger life.
As I have gotten older, I have learned that no matter the situation, deep down I already know what I have to do in order to move towards my goals and dreams. I believe our gut knows right away the next steps, but our fears and our good old Inner Resistance Monster step in to keep us immobilized in doubt and confusion, so we procrastinate, make up excuses, or simply do nothing.
Honestly though, that doubt we feel or the procrastination we linger in is really about buying time until we figure out alternative tactics that will cause us the least amount of pain, embarrassment, loss of control, you name it. Your gut always knows the right and best thing to do, you just don't want to do it. We'd prefer to take a path of least resistance. But remember, the path to becoming a more seasoned, wiser, and evolved human being is filled with life lessons which includes dealing with our inner fears.
Print, and put these business card size signs anywhere you need some motivation to move into your bigger life.