Here's a huge upswing to start making those tiny changes, brain researchers have discovered that when you consciously develop new habits, you actually also create new spanking brain cells, and when you do that you become more creative and innovative. Woo-hoo!
The Tiny Changes strategy is not something new I came up with. There is a Japanese technique called kaizen, which calls for tiny, continuous improvements. But see the Inner Resistance Monster doesn't want you to know about kaizen because it puts the kai-bosh on his/her ploit to keep you stuck in your old rutty ways. So, this week's theme is going to be about starting to make those tiny improvements. Thanks to reader Claudia for the NYTimes tip!
- Stop thinking and over analyzing. Get a pen & paper and start free flow writing for 1 minute on tiny changes that pop into your head. Again, don't analyze or judge during the 1 minute, just write whatever comes out. Now, look at the list, and pick 3 things that you could do right now, and do them. Again, no ifs, buts, or I-can't-until. Just do it.
- Think of someone you admire, and focus for one minute on the one thing that you admire most about that person. Most often the thing we admire most in others is something that we'd like to be more of ourselves. Do one thing that mimics what your admired person does in that admired quality. By being in their shoes for a moment, you can start building up the confidence in yourself. When you've accomplished that first thing, try another.
- What's the one thing you've been putting off recently? Making an uncomfortable phone call? Talking to the bill collector? Going to the doctor? Make it a point this week to stop putting off that thing and get it over with and do it. You have to do it anyway and putting it off only makes things worse not better, and it sure isn't going to go away the longer you ignore it. It will be one less thing on your To-Do list.
- Take a different route to work one day this week, and when you get into the building take a different path to your desk. One way we show our habits is by literally driving and walking the same paths day in and out. Breaking up the path will help break up your monotony, and you may just see things you've never seen before.
- When you go out to dinner this week, make it a point to order a different side dish than you would normally order. If you get stumped ask the cute waiter or waitress what they would recommend. Try eating something new that you've never eaten before. It can also be a great conversation starter with your spouse, at work the next day, or with your online friends.
Things I did last week:
- I tried a new brand of hemp milk after another hemp product manufacturer asked me if I would revisit my opinion of hemp after my not-so encouraging review. I'm sure glad I did because the new brand is absolutely delicious. See this chocolate chiller drink I made.
- I exercised one extra day. Lately, I've been exercising 5 days/week, but last week I did 6 days because I had all kinds of energy. This week, I'm happy to go back to 5 days ;-)