Ladies, if turning into an ugly dude won't get you to stop boozing what will?
May I body/gender image rant for a sec?
This has got to be one of the most asanine ads I've ever seen to get women to stop boozing it up: "If you drink like a man, you might end up looking like one." WTF is that supposed to mean? Excuse me, what is this clown image? And hello, maybe some people are binge drinking because they are already filled with self loathing, so how is reminding them of that going to solve anything?
In this context, threatening us with the ugly stick is just stupid. Yeah, stupid because I can't think of anything else deeper to say to match this 3rd grade campaign. 5th graders are definitely smarter than these folks. To up the ante, they include this ugly-imaginator where you upload your pic, insert how much you drink a week, and then voila they show you how hideous you'll end up looking.
And compounding the insult, what the hell difference does it make if you're a man or a woman? Drinking too much is not good for any gender. So, I ask where's the dude's becoming ugly dudes campaign?
[pause to contemplate]
Oh yeah, there is none because men don't care if they get whacked by the ugly broom. *ugh*
Ladies, if turning into an ugly dude won't get you to stop boozing what will?
May I body/gender image rant for a sec?
This has got to be one of the most asanine ads I've ever seen to get women to stop boozing it up: "If you drink like a man, you might end up looking like one." WTF is that supposed to mean? Excuse me, what is this clown image? And hello, maybe some people are binge drinking because they are already filled with self loathing, so how is reminding them of that going to solve anything?
In this context, threatening us with the ugly stick is just stupid. Yeah, stupid because I can't think of anything else deeper to say to match this 3rd grade campaign. 5th graders are definitely smarter than these folks. To up the ante, they include this ugly-imaginator where you upload your pic, insert how much you drink a week, and then voila they show you how hideous you'll end up looking.
And compounding the insult, what the hell difference does it make if you're a man or a woman? Drinking too much is not good for any gender. So, I ask where's the dude's becoming ugly dudes campaign?
[pause to contemplate]
Oh yeah, there is none because men don't care if they get whacked by the ugly broom. *ugh*
May I body/gender image rant for a sec?
This has got to be one of the most asanine ads I've ever seen to get women to stop boozing it up: "If you drink like a man, you might end up looking like one." WTF is that supposed to mean? Excuse me, what is this clown image? And hello, maybe some people are binge drinking because they are already filled with self loathing, so how is reminding them of that going to solve anything?
In this context, threatening us with the ugly stick is just stupid. Yeah, stupid because I can't think of anything else deeper to say to match this 3rd grade campaign. 5th graders are definitely smarter than these folks. To up the ante, they include this ugly-imaginator where you upload your pic, insert how much you drink a week, and then voila they show you how hideous you'll end up looking.
And compounding the insult, what the hell difference does it make if you're a man or a woman? Drinking too much is not good for any gender. So, I ask where's the dude's becoming ugly dudes campaign?
[pause to contemplate]
Oh yeah, there is none because men don't care if they get whacked by the ugly broom. *ugh*
[via adrants]
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jun 06, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: ads, alcohol, body image, dasl, women
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