I give Microsoft, my former employer, some big credit for at least trying to be cooler and hipper, and putting themselves out there even it means falling flat on their face. I applaud risk taking. But really guys, you have to stop putting the nerds in charge of creative as demonstrated in this commercial for their "Microsoft Surface" product which is supposed to be some fancy-smancy interactive social thingy found in the iBar at the Rio hotel in Vegas.
I can tell you this, without a doubt, not one woman was involved in the creative process of this commercial or if any were, the head nerd kaboshed her opinion because I can tell you that there is no way in the real world that this is how women pick up guys. This commercial is how geeks wish women would pick them up. The style of the video also reeked of those "hot girls waiting on the phone just for you" commercials you see on TV at 2am.
And for real, NO woman would use a cheesy pick line the one used here. Seriously, it is as cheesy as an acid wash denim mini from an 80's White Snake video. And even if we were drunk on Cosmos, no way are we are playing video games while there are hotties in eye shot unless said hotties come over with drinks wanting to play said video games with us.
Enough from me. Ladies, what do you think of this commercial?