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- Mormon Chad Hardey just wanted to spice up the image of young Mormon men by putting together a beefcake calendar called, "Men on a Mission." There's nothing more than shirtless fun like any other manjoyment calendar but oh-no the Mormon elders found this unholey indeed, so they excommunicated Chad from the church. They kicked his shirtless pecs to the curb. Bit harsh me thinks. Now see if Chad was Catholic, they would have just given him 10 Hail Marys and 5 Our Fathers, and the slate is all clean until the next load of sin. [MSNBC]
- And speaking of the Catholics, want to know "Whom Not To Marry" from a Catholic Priest? Padre makes total sense on this notion, "...you can be deeply in love with someone to whom you cannot be successfully married.” Determining that fact before hand could save you from a divorce or three. [NY Times]
- Mandy Kaye had to drop out of Cambridge because Anorexia took over her life, and was even told at one point that she had hours to live. Two years later she regained weight, continued treatment and was medically cleared to go back to school to continue on. Mandy just graduated with "a starred First Class degree, and achieved the highest possible grade, the only student in her faculty to do so." She plans on being a therapist to help others. Right on Mandy! [Daily Mail]
- This is a great read, a husband's point of view on his wife's struggle with Anorexia and how they came to heal together. It's not often you get to read stories from the significant others point of view. [Glamour]
- I'm still trying to understand this Adidas ad for the upcoming Olympics where we have some tough lady athlete ready to kick some major bootie with her power of 7 leg. Those legs are female and male. The tag line reads, "They See Me. But They Feel Us." So, okay who are we feeling, the lady's multiple personalities? Can someone help a sister out? I wanna kick that hard in the business world. There are 5 more ads in the campaign featuring other athletes. [Ads of the World]