This is why I can't cut out carbs all together. I sware this is what goes on in my head whenever I've gone on any of those "Don't Even THINK About Eating Carbs" diets. Literally, "I want coooookie!"
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This is why I can't cut out carbs all together. I sware this is what goes on in my head whenever I've gone on any of those "Don't Even THINK About Eating Carbs" diets. Literally, "I want coooookie!"
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 11, 2008 in Skinny humor, Steph loses weight, Steph's life story | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: big brother, cookie, humor
This August Elle cover of Mariah Carey is right up there in photo-franken tricks like Gywenth Paltrow on Vogue. You'd think that Elle would at least put Mariah's head on right. It looks she is literally trying to screw her head back onto Keira Knightley's body.
At least she is not in a bikini, finally. Elle was nice enough to save the bikini shots for inside the magazine. I'm so grateful because frankly I've gotten Mariah bikini fatigue. It's nice to see her in a full outfit that isn't, her of late, hoochie-wear.
So, I'm fiesty today.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 10, 2008 in Celebrities & the media | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: elle, Mariah Carey
If you want to take a moment to clear out the deep thoughts in your head for some silly entertainment, you gotta see this.If Kitty was a celeb, oh how this makes me guffaw.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 10, 2008 in Skinny humor | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: beauty, cat humor, video
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 10, 2008 in Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: buddha, inspiration, quote, thoughts
While some may think that the little things in life can be annoyances, I personally think it is those small things we tend to over look are what we actually need to pay attention to. So, I find myself in the midst of a whirlwind of little things and need a few more days to get grounded cause I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I'm just going to post some light stuff the rest of the week so I can focus my attention on things that need tending to.
Sharing a secret
On another note, next week is the BlogHer08 conference, and just to share a secret with ya'll. This will be the first time I speak about my experience with bulimia in front of a live audience that is not any kind of anonymous healing program. Frankly, it's freaking me out a bit because yes sharing online is different than doing it in front of hundreds of eyeballs focused on you.
Logically, I know BlogHer08 will be very safe place, and there is nothing to worry about, but still, talking in public about very personal things like this is like that naked dream where you're buck nekkid in front of a crowd and feel really vulnerable. Do you stand tall or do you run off the stage? I'm going to stand tall and even though I have the jitters, I know doing this will help so many others and will definitely help me grow as a person. I consider doing this speaking gig "God's work through me." That belief is the source of my motivation and will keep me from wanting to run off the stage like a scaredy cat.
Come say hi at my BlogHero8 session
Yeah people, next week the comfort zone is going to get a major stretching and that's good. If any of you are going to be at BlogHer08, please come by my session "Coming Out Via Blog" on Day 2 at 1:45pm, the first sessions after lunch. If you get there early, please do say hello and let me know you're there because it will help me immensely knowing that my BISJ peeps are there. I so love you all!
I'm a bit bummed because at the same time as my session is the Blogging Birds of a Feather Meet-Up: Health/Fitness where I have no doubt that many of my fellow fitbloggers will be attending. Dang! They would have to schedule the two at the same time.
If you can't come to BlogHer08, come see a special preview of my session online
But no worries, if you can't make it to my session or aren't going to BlogHer8 at all, next week, a very popular health/fitness blogger whom I won't share yet because it's a fun surprise is going to host an interview with me where I will share some of what I'll be speaking about at BlogHer08. I'll let you all know on Monday where the interview will be.
I so love Angie and her big guns
Another source of kick ass inspiration for me is watching Angelina Jolie in her kick ass roles like in Lara Croft, Gone in 60 seconds, Mr & Mrs Smith, and Wanted. Here's "The Little Things" from the movie and great for cardio I might add. I've been running to it lately, and the beat makes me feel like I can battle anything.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 09, 2008 in Steph's life story | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blogher08
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 08, 2008 in Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: capability, inspiration, quote, thomas edison
All this week I've been talking about perfection and "Perfect Girl." I say send Perfect Girl on vacation so your inner Super Freak can come out and enjoy the fact that 4th of July falls on a Friday this year. Woo-hoo!
I'm going to go take some time off and have fun with my wonder twins: Super Freak and Wild Thing. Will be back on Wednesday. Most lovingly, have a blast my fellow freaksters!
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 03, 2008 in Skinny humor | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: fun, rick james, women
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 03, 2008 in Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: eileen caddy, inspiration, play, quote, work life balance
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 02, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Driving home from Draeger's Supermarket in San Mateo, CA yesterday, I saw this Shell station and my jaw dropped, $5.21/gallon for Regular and $5.33 for Plus (89) which I normally get. The average price for Regular (87) gas in my hood is about $4.68, so when I saw this I truly was surprised because that's a huge jump.
This gas station is one of the first off the nearby freeway (On El Camino off 92) so I'm assuming they are taking advantage of those freeway drivers who are running on fumes and are desperate for gas, or the gas station owner is just crazy. Mind you, no one was pumping gas when I was there.
Seriously, we're going on a gas diet.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jul 11, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: gas prices, high, san mateo
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