The other day, I was thinking about ways I could get some funding for my start-up. When you're an entrepreneur, you have to be very creative when it comes to money, so I started playing around with some wild ideas.
One idea that came up was, "Why don't I send out a duo wedding/birth announcement to my friends and family. Congratulations! I'm having a startup and getting incorporated. In lieu of gifts, please send funds. I'm registered at PayPal."
Sound crazy? Well, why the hell not!
Like that Sex & The City episode, I got to thinking about all the money I have spent on other people's life choices like marriage and kids. Over the years now, it's in the thousands. And for some, I've spent money for their second and even third marriage, and second, third, and fourth kid. I think too of the money I spent traveling to these wedding destinations and to baby showers and baptisms.
But what gifts do you get if you choose to be child-free and single? And Carrie is right, birthdays don't count because we all have birthdays. The gift tables don't seem fair.
So, instead of getting married or having kids, what if I make a life choice to birth a startup and be married to making a life dream come true that will indeed go on to help other people live more prosperous blogging lives. Should I not equally have the right to throw a party and expect gifts and a money dance?Yeah, I'm starting a business, but marriage and kids are in a way a business too, Family Inc, that involves money, commitment, and benefit.
And if not things like starting a company, what life events for a single person are considered "celebatory" where gifts and money are involved to return the favor from those who decided to get hitched and be parents?
Now some will say too that gifts are gifts and that there should not be any feeling of return, but have you ever showed up to a wedding without a gift or to a baby shower without a present? No, because it's social norm to do so, and over the years you can end up spending quite a bit of money just on one family member or friend, and if you come from a big family or have lots of friends, we're talking bigger bucks when you compile everyone together.
So, I'm just challenging a social norm, not saying it's right or wrong. Would it be considered tacky to treat my startup like a marriage and ask for or expect gifts as I have done for others in their life choices?
Since so many people are feeling depressed and scared about all this financial crisis our economy is in, I thought today would be a good reminder that now is also a good time to focus on the abundance we do possess. Instead of focusing on the lack of what is going on around us, take a moment right now to redirect your thoughts to what you do have plenty of like:
Despite all the news of lack in the world today, take a moment to turn it off, and focus on the abundance you do have. Got any more ideas that help you get into a prosperity mind set?
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Sep 30, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: abundance, financial crisis, money tips, prosperity, wealth
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